As promised... are the pictures from the Gala, which proved to be a very fun, successful night with lots of laughs and new friends. Feeling a bit lazy, so the only writing will be the description of the photos. Laaaaaazy.

This is me, Alex and Rachel in that order. This was before the performance in the hot, humid basement of the venue, with 300 other bellydancers. Ew.
This was taken just after our performance, looking obviously full of ourselves cause we did so well.
There are no pictures of us on stage because no flash photography was allowed. Ok, enough for me.
Nice pics Fee.
Hello to girl #2 and #5 in 2nd photo...
Good job lady!!! Well done!
Ok seriously, your instructor is hot, hawt, hottt.
Yeah, she's dreeeamy. She's actually performing tonight at the Gypsy Co-op. I'll tell her you said hi ;)
When is she performing next?!?!
Does she give private lessons?!?! ;)
Actually, she does! But you have to pay a pretty penny, like $80 or something like that. I'll keep you updated on her performances! ;)
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