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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Mullets Galore

Ok, so finally an updated post.
Nothing too exciting going on, just fleeting moments of happiness here and there. Randy has been clumping around in Prague for almost a week now, and I must say I really miss the guy. Not just because I have to do the work of 2 stations when he's gone. Or that I have to stay at his house every other night to feed Chealsea. But because I just miss him. I'm also worried because he has a tendency to gravitate towards old, dark ancient tunnels and cellars. And strip clubs. I promised John I'd blog this, even though it makes both of us look really stupid. So I'm with John in my apartment waiting to go out when my phone starts ringing. It's the door, but I'm not expecting anyone. So I answer, and a very loud voice on the other end demands for me to open the door. Naturally, I hang up and start panicking. Two seconds later, my ever so dimly lit hallway has two undentifiable shadows standing outside my door, which then proceeds to shake and thump, like people trying to get in. So naturally, I grab my phone, lock myself into the bathroom (and John out) and call the cops. At this point, John in knocking at my bathroom door, asking if he can be let in. So he enters my self made panic room with a hammer in his hands and bracing for the worst with me. 10 minutes later, 4 angry cops and my landlady are listening to my pathetic apologies, as I had mistaken Ola and her giant Russian boyfriend as intruders. Wouldn't you? In my defence, no one answered my question "who is it?" through the entire ordeal. Things might have been different had someone say something other than "open the door". But that just confirms my need to get a decent apartment.
On a different note, this weekend was the much anticipated cottage get away, where 24 people get together and lose their minds in the middle of nowhere. Since Keith and I work in the same area of the station, and with Randy in Prague, and John (our ride) not getting off work till 11 pm at night, we decided to take the trip up Saturday morning and forfeit Friday night. So John came over around 12 am to stay the night, we went for pizza sandwiches, and got to bed at 4 am. He actually woke up at 7 am which shocked me cause I thought I'd be dragging him out of bed. We leave at 8:30 am and go to Randy's house to feed his cat, when we realize we don't have the map and our junk mail folder erased it. Nobody has reception where we're going, none of us know the name or city or town of this place, we just know it's north. So we go north and hit every flea market on the way up. I bought a Nintendo set, mase, and a hip scarve. We had more fun going up there then we did at the actual cottage. So it turned out Ravil had reception at the cottage and he was able to guide us there, where we got stupid drunk until we threw up. Ok, until I threw up. Which hasn't happened in such a long time, so I didn't mind. We somehow managed to wake up at 9:30 am today and crack open a few more beers to kill the hangover we had. We attempted to go fishing the night before with our $20 Wal Mart fishing rods, but all we managed to do was go to the other side of the lake, dock on some sticks so I could run into the forest and pee, and then row back because the air was black with moquitoes and black flies. All in all, it really was a fun weekend. Here are some pics:

This is Keith at a flea market. Yes, that stuff behind him really is the flea market.

This is me trying to show Ola some belly dance moves. The only excercise we got all weekend.

This is me doing model shots with a hairdryer. Didn't turn out too model-ly.

I actually really don't remember this picture being taken. But then again, look at me. I doubt if I even remembered my own name at that point. Anyways, that's me and John.

And this is me and Keith getting really excited about our lunch. Keith has spaghetti and uncooked meatballs, I had tomato sauce, mushrooms and cheese in a sandwich. Picture vegetarian pizza sandwich. It wasn't very good.

Anyways, that is what happens when I don't blog for a while. You get to read a long useless paragraph about the exciting-to-me but boring-for-you events of my life.

Good night.


At 1:57 PM, Blogger KUYAZ said...

This paragraph was longer than the previous! Good job Fee...


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