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Thursday, March 23, 2006

I hate...

...people who have no respect for lives other than their own. I could say the wealthy, but I know some very nice rich people and that would be wrong to categorize. What makes me want to throw up is when I see people flanked in fur. It's the equivalent of seeing pigeons eating vomit off the sidewalk. I hate people who wear fur, and I CAN categorize people like that because there is no excuse for wearing a dead animal for the sake of "fashion" and it is the most selfish act I can think of. There is no right reason to wear something that was brutally killed for a status. It's really sick and I let them know, whether it's talking next to them or to them about how disgusting it looks. If they come too close, I tell them to back off because I'm allergic to dead carcasses used as clothing. Or I stare unbreakingly at them on the subway. I like watching them shift, becoming increasingly uncomfortable, and then eventually moving to another seat away from me. I try not to do it too much around Randy cause I know he gets embarrased about it. But I think these people need to know that what they are doing is wrong and discourage this hideous trend. Now I'm not a vegan hippy or anything, and many people try to argue the fact that because I eat chicken, I'm a hypocrite, but it's soo completely different. I eat chicken because I need to, since I don't eat any other kind of meat, and I don't wear the feathers like some sort of trophy. People who wear fur, and I'm applying this to EVERYONE who feels they are the most superior species and feel worthy to wear something skinned (sometimes alive) for their luxury, are the most disgusting creatures alive and I deem them on a level lower than cockroaches. And I HATE cockroaches. Ok, rant over. Sorry, it's just that I saw 2 people looking like walking slaughterhouses and my blood is still boiling.


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