Just at home relaxing after taking a long hot shower. The cold rain makes me crave them. Instead of my usual hankering for the deadly Pizza Pops, I am making myself a chicken burger, complete with tomatoes and lettuce for nutrients. I did hear the call in the frozen food isle, but defiantly walked the other way. Pizza Pops cannot enter my freezer or my stomach for at least a month. Or less. My new thirsty towel which I bought on sale has left me looking like Grover. It is dark blue and the fluffy, before I used it. Now I am dark blue and fluffy. Oh well, I kinda like the look. Suitable for winter. I had a fun weekend which included dancing the night away at the Portuguese/Latin club Mana, celebrating my friend Ghazaleh's B-day. Below, Me and Ghazaleh:

Sorry to all the Rico Suaves who tried to dance with me. Although you are very tempting in your extra-small Canadian leaf mini-tee's and impossible to understand accents, I am taken and that includes no contact with strange, exotic men. With incredibly bad breath, might I add. Other than ducking the odd punches thrown here and there by jealous boyfriends and dramatic girlfriends, it was a pretty good night. Below, left to right, some dude, Ghazaleh's cousin, Ani and her big head, Naim above, Ghaz, Ola and me with my natural blue hair.

We went to a chinese restaurant afterwards (3am?) where me an Ola had fun with chopsticks and embarrasing everyone who was with us. She slept over, which was the perfect end to the night. I love it when I end up with Ola in my bed at the end of the night ;) But seriously, I sleep sooo much better with someone else in my bed. I'm not sure why, I guess I just feel safe and cozy. In the morning, I woke up to find her and my smelly used socks gone. She lost hers somewhere in my room, and took my dirty ones from the floor, which is beyond me because I have a drawer full of clean ones that she could have helped herself to. Nevertheless, it was a good weekend followed by shopping with Mel (who bought me monkey earrings) and a visit to my parents (where I ate chocolate chip icecream and looked for husbands for Mel on the internet hee hee)
Chicken burger is burnt, look what you have done.
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