Playing dead...
Ok, here I am! Not dead, just playing! I haven't posted for a long time out of pure laziness. Feel free to throw rocks at me. *And by rocks, I mean chocolate, and by throw I mean give. So I've decided to quit smoking, and by quit, I mean cut down, but eventually quit. I'm down to 5 a day (from 25 {ew}) and I haven't clawed anyone yet during a nic fit. I hope to be cigarette free in 5 months or less. I realise by quitting, any images of me being 'cool' and 'dangerous' and even 'disgusting' will be gone and there will never be an oppourtunity for anyone to look at me and say, "Wow, you do that? You look so innocent!" unless I take up Jiu Jitzu or coal walking. So now I will just appear boring. Boring and healthy. And people will just say "You look so innocent" with a scrunch in their nose. I think it's time for a new peircing. Much to Gand's dismay, I really want to get my lip peirced again, this time by someone else. (The first time it was done, I was convinced that the procedure could be handled by myself and some Jack D) here's an example of what I want...

This is more of what I was thinking --->
If Gand really doesn't want me to get it done, I won't cause in the end, he's the one who kisses me, and I don't want that to stop! But it has been a while and I'm feeling the urge to get something pierced, and I only get pierced above the shoulders, so I'm very limited.
Other than that, things have been normal around here except for a few scraps at work, drinks all around, new people and friends in my life (which I can never get enough of) and an updated blog post. More later...

Welcome back to bloGGie land Fee!
Welcome back you gorgeous lady! Go get pierced - mine is a week and a half old now and I am already planning the next Kate, no more holes!!!
We missed you lady!
Just to reiterate - we missed you!!!
K xx
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