Welcome to the Jungle... We got lots of... Snow?!
Ok, here it is guys, my updated post of non interesting stuff you so claim to miss! I picked a great day to take the day off, as the world (Toronto) is covered in a thick blanket of snow. I'm at my parents house after waiting 45 minutes for a bus in the snow with Gand, who will undoubtedly be really late for work, moreso than usual. It was fun to laugh at the giant lazies who didn't brush off the mile high snow on their fancy-pants SUV's and relied on the window wipers to do it's minimal cleaning on a small part of the windsheild. Silly, lazy rich people! Should have gone for practical instead of faux rugged monster cars. I hope to spen most of the day snuggling with my handsome cat. Yup, he's a fatso, but I love every bulging pound of him.

But snuggles are for later, now I have to get ready to go back into the Tundra, for Christmas shopping at Scarborough Town Centre, meet up with my old art/film teacher for a coffee, and then off I go in search of HAKKA FOOD! (Chinese/Indian, my favourite in the world!)
I am especially hungry, since the other animal who lives here (my dad's dog AKA the beast AKA Cala Budu which means black idiot) ate the rest of my donut from Tim Horton's without my permission. Here he is showing guilt, but not regretting it!

Yes, all the animals who live here are obese, I'm sure I will be asked that a number of times!
Ok, work is callin' gotta go.
Yay - thank you for posting! Finally! We missed you!
Federick's on Ellesmere!!!
Hakka yum yakkha!!!
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