Ow Ew Ow
I just had to perform surgery on my own foot using a safety pin. I noticed my foot has been hurting all week, and upon closer speculation, my big toe had a small dark spot, which had to be something embedded in the skin, as it had already grown over it. Yuck. What the hell is it? Must have picked it up from the dance studio, it's the only place where we have to take our socks off. So I take my safety pin and I burrow, and burrow, and burrow with all the unpleasentness of trying to reach something foreign in your foot with a pin. Finally, a sharp prick, and the thing is out. A piece of glass or rock. Great. My day off is already improving. Still groggy from last night, thanks guys for putting up with my antics, which included a sign falling almost on our heads, disturbing the cute laptop guy behind us and demanding to know "what the hell are you writing, some kind of book report?", slurringly lecturing a group of U of T biology students about testing on animals, 3 stolen half pint glasses (which I am going to return tomorrow, I am not a thief!) a really mushy blog post and God knows what other embarrasing things that vodka usually makes me do. In my defense, I haven't felt that good in a loooong time and stood by when everyone else did. So now I'm broke, hungry and hungover. All on my day off. For some reason, I found this comic hysterical and thought I might share it with you guys. Enjoy!

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