adopt your own virtual pet!

Monday, July 10, 2006


For some reason, my comments aren't working for my posts and that makes me sad :( But I kinda fixed the comments from this page on, and I still need names for my rats! K, you suggested Lymphoma and Typhoid?

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Paco and Taco

I am really hoping to adopt these little guys from the Humane Society, but I won't be able to take them until I move in. I absolutely ADORE (I rarely use that word, sorry) rats and want to have a million, but for now I will just take these two. I need suggestions for names though. I had two mice before and I named them Chick Chick and Doot after the noises they made, so needless to say, I'm not a very good name-er. I'm thinking of Paco and Taco, but if someone can think of something better, I might reconsider. I went to see them today and they are the sweetest little guys! But I don't want to take them until I have a fixed address again, which should be by August. Anyway, here's a pic of them...

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Please sign this petition

I hate depressing shit as much as the next person, and I'm seeing more and more of it these days, but I feel like shit not doing anything about it, so I guess this is my first step by posting this petition and asking people to sign it. Whether you're an animal lover or not, I think we all have a moral (as humans) obligation to help protect those that cannot protect themselves. I have no idea whether signing this thing will actually make a difference, here's forever hoping.

Please click HERE

Thank you

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Hey guys,
Just a quick update to let you all know I'm still (barely) alive. I've just been working on a few projects here and there and busy for the first time in my life. BME Fest was this weekend and it was kick ass! Lots of squeamish stuff like suspensions and implants, but overall, it was a great party where some ended up naked on the warehouse "dance floor/mosh pit". The bands that played were amazing! Mostly rockabilly punk bands like The Flea Circus, The Matadors and The Legendary Klopeks. Anyways, the party was preceeded by me John and Randy moving my life to a new place on St. Claire West and Bathurst, but the place is not ready yet so I will be rooming with Randy for the month of July where we will become the bestest of friends and roommates! It's been fun so far, we haven't killed each other yet. Other than that, I've mostly been depressed with stupid extended family shit that I can't control and I'm trying not to think about it too much cause I just get really pissed and I want to tell them all off. "That's ok, I don't mind that I can never trust any of you again because I know how much you lie to each other and everyone around you. That's ok, you can exclude me and my mom from your get togethers just because we rocked the boat and told you how much of a dirtbag your brother/uncle is. That's ok, I don't mind that you come to Toronto and completely blow me off and decide to visit your fake ass cousins instead. That's ok, you can completely lie to us to our faces and then run off and say and do the exact opposite. I don't mind that you've hurt my Mom, your own sister who took care of you for most her life that you've abandoned just because she's decided to stick up for me when no one else would!" I won't care about this in a couple of years but the amount of betrayal is killing me now. I just can't wait until it's all a distant memory. Sorry, I know this was supposed to be a quick update that turned into a rant about my extended family (with the exception of 1 cousin), but dammit, I have a lot on my chest and it's only going to be a matter of time before I go postal with all these bottled up feelings. I promise I will be in a better mood in a month or so. Until then...

Meet your meat. Don't support factory farms, where meat is mass produced and sold to restaurants and grocery stores. Buy independantly, buy cruelty free, go vegetarian.